Saturday, April 30, 2016

Repeat after me…

I solemnly swear…
that as I respect myself…
I will respect all others…
however different they are from me…
in race, religion, nationality…
or sexual orientation…
recognizing that self-respect is justifiable…
only in the context of universal respect.
I further swear…
that at no time will I countenance…
any act or action…
that demeans, degrades or punishes…
any individual or group…
absent evidence of wrongdoing…
and that I will fight against…
obstructions or laws…
that restrict the rights…
of individuals or groups…
who pose no threat…
to other individuals or groups…
these rights to include…
the right to vote…
the right to protest injustice…
and the right to equality.
This oath I swear as the true path…
to self-respect and dignity.

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